Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Is Music Poetry?

Part 1:
1) Poetry is a type of art form using the minimal amount of words to decribe a bigger picture.
2) For me, poetry is only poetry if it rhymes and uses similes and metaphors. Poetry sticks to strict rules that must be followed for it to be considered poetry. 

Part 2:
1) Poetry: No One by Alicia Keys.
Not Poetry: Bruh Bruh Plies.

2) Alicia Keys is considered a poet because she brings life to her music. You can feel what she is talking about. Almost everyone can relate to at least one Alicia Keys songs. Plies is not considered a poet because he doesn't bring you into his music through his lyrics.  Not everyone can relate to Plies music and he doesn't use his words in poetic forms. 

3) I believe some rap/hip-hop music can be considered as poetry.  If the artist uses his lyrics in proper form and tone, it could be considered poetry.  Its much harder to find a hip hop artist who can still be considered a poet though.  Many artists use the same artisitc expressions as poets, using similes, metaphors, and other ways to express themselves.  I believe I am a context critic because poetry should speak to me.  There should be a meaning to what the artist is talking about. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job, Jaci. I agree with you that Plies' song is not poetic.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Grade = 20/20
